Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3 Essential Tips for Successful Camping with Kids

Camping with happy kids is wonderful � camping with miserable kids could convince you to pick a new family hobby. There�s lots of ways to ensure a happy camping experience, but here are my picks for the three most important.

However, one of the most fundamental lessons camping can teach is that you are responsible for your own experience. Mother Nature is a great provider of natural consequences. Don�t put up your tent right, you�ll get wet. Don�t collect firewood, you won�t eat hot food. Do collect firewood, and discover the mesmerizing dance of a night campfire. Get up the energy to paddle to the middle of the lake in the middle of the night, and see stars like they were meant to be seen. Step back, and let your kids learn from their own experiences. You might just pick up a little something too.The fly ash is trucked 12 miles to the property from the AES Shady Point coal-fired power plant. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission has oversight of oil and gas wastewater transportation and disposal sites in Oklahoma.2. Avoid constipation. Think I�m kidding? I used to take city kids on month long canoe trips, and several of them showed insane talent for �poop in the woods� avoidance. Some made it as long as a week before they gave in and took Mr. Trowel off to dig a hole. Kids like routine and predictability, some kids a lot more than others. When that routine is turned upside down, even by fun activities like camping, it can cause system backup. That can lead to stomach troubles, cramps, and really stinky farts (amongst the 2-12 year old set, this is serious business, and might be for you too, if you�re sharing a tent).A year ago the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued an administrative order against Making Money Having Fun for violating the Clean Water Act and had suspended the dumping of the wastewater.Current and proposed district maps are at redistricting.

However, one of the most fundamental lessons camping can teach is that you are responsible for your own experience. Mother Nature is a great provider of natural consequences. Don�t put up your tent right, you�ll get wet. Don�t collect firewood, you won�t eat hot food. Do collect firewood, and discover the mesmerizing dance of a night campfire. Get up the energy to paddle to the middle of the lake in the middle of the night, and see stars like they were meant to be seen. Step back, and let your kids learn from their own experiences. You might just pick up a little something too.

Author: Debora Geary

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